The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM) is a non-profit making international examining body that exists to provide high quality, cost effective, internationally recognized and its also established in Nigeria as an offshoot of the parent body in United States of America by Decree as a professional body and examining body in Nigeria and approved by the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria. We aim to solidify and enhance the career prospects of graduates in the job market.
The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management, Nigeria has presented her Charteredship House Bill N0. 69 of 2016 in the National Assembly is and its been financed by the parent body in United States of America
CICRM is an international body for customer service professional seeking to develop and promote international service standards and professional excellence in customer relationship management. The institute is responsible for promoting best practices in customer service standards, professional certification and the National and International Service Excellence Awards.